Telephone Answering Service Odense

NordicCall – your reliable business partner in Odense

In the city where the world’s best fairy tales are written, we are happy and proud to be able to make a difference. The common thread in most business adventures is happy, loyal and faithful customers. When customers have a good experience in contact with your company, the customer speaks well of you to the customer’s respective network, and the customer experiences added value in the relationship with your company. That’s why the motto of most business adventures is: Do something good for your customers – and they do something good for you! At NordicCall, it is the essence of our DNA that we want to give your customers the best experience, every time. We attach great importance to having our finger on the pulse of the immediate and local environment, so that we can understand your customers’ needs in the best possible way and offer advice with the customer in focus.

Odense – when smiles create happy customers

At NordicCall, we have extensive local experience in Odense, which is especially beneficial to you who have a business in the city of adventure. With a smile, experience and competence, we meet your customers at eye level and always do our best to make your customers happy and satisfied. At NordicCall, we have a large contact surface with the citizens of Odense, which means that we know the tips of our fingers how to best communicate with customers and citizens of Odense, so that a good relationship is created.
Do you know the feeling that you want to give your customers the best experience, but it takes too many resources to be constantly available to customers? It can be absolutely decisive for the success of your company that your customers can get hold of you and that they can have their inquiries answered. Therefore, it can be a big dilemma for many companies how to meet customer expectations without having to hire a customer service employee.

Customer service – get your very own professional team

At NordicCall, we understand exactly this dilemma: that’s why we have a team of competent and service-minded secretaries who are ready to help your customers – around the clock. We have a clear mission to offer the market’s best customer service to your customers, which means that we offer to look after your phones, take orders or messages and handle live chat with your customers. You can confidently go to meetings and courses knowing that we create healthy and value-creating customer relationships for your company. Our smiling secretaries are ready 24/7 to give your customers the best service – and this, of course, with a great deal of knowledge about Odense’s distinctive features and language, so that your customers experience being ‘matched’, understood and listened to.

The advantages of choosing NordicCall as your reliable business partner are many:

  1. You save money
  2. You get full transparency over expenses
  3. You experience less risk
Let’s elaborate: If you are to have a customer service employee employed, then this entails a number of expenses and uncertainties that we can save you from: First of all, the employee must of course be paid – and that is regardless of how many calls, emails or live -incoming chats. You must allocate resources for training and education, and you must expect a certain training period before you can be sure that the employee is competent to handle various tasks. In addition , it usually requires that you make premises and equipment available, which will also require maintenance and support. Last but not least, there will be a number of expenses in connection with pay during sickness and holiday as well as social security in the form of pensions, insurance and maternity leave.

Instead, at NordicCall we offer a flexible and professional arrangement where you pay a fixed amount per call and thus ensure that you can always give your customers the best experience. Let us help you with your further business adventure and let us create the best customer relations for your company.

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