Clinic Service

Outsourcing Telephone Service in the Clinic is like having it in-house

At NordicCalls KlinikService, we help more than 100 clinics ensure their patients have a good experience with the clinic’s telephone customer service, including bookings, cancellations, transfers or general questions in connection with their appointments at the clinic.

Our Clinic team takes more than 1,000 telephone calls for our Clinic Service customers every day, which also means that our team has built up a huge knowledge database in the areas of psychologists, beauty, physiotherapy, dentists, medical specialists and medical clinics. 

Take advantage of our enormous knowledge database within your industry

Although all our KlinikService customers are very different with many different needs, it is still possible, due to the enormous experience our team has and is constantly innovating in connection with the many daily calls, to help our KlinikService customers with over 90% of all the telephone calls that go through to us. The last 10% is solved by the clinics’ own secretaries, which is an enormous time and financial saving for our KlinikService customers.

Although we can help the patients of our KlinikService customers with the vast majority of their questions in connection with our large knowledge database, it is of course ALWAYS our KlinikService customers who unilaterally decide how far they want us to help their patients, which however means that if one of our KlinikService customers chooses that our team may not answer specific questions, this will never happen, regardless of whether our team knows the answer. 

Sign up for our Telephone service right now!

Patient satisfaction is our strength

Of course, this is also only because we at NordicCall do not have a time requirement for how quickly a call must be processed before our secretary answers a new one. We want all patients of our KlinikService customers to experience the ultimate service every single time, which is also the reason why we spend the necessary time on each and every call, regardless of whether it requires 30 seconds for a cancellation, whether it takes 7 minutes for a new creation of a patient with a note of all the relevant information, or it is a general question about the treatment from the patient.

Get clarity on patient satisfaction

Patient satisfaction is our strength, that’s easy to say – but at NordicCall we actually mean it, which is why we are also the only call center in Denmark that offers our customers to get the patient’s validation on every call.

It is not empty talk when we say that we want to be the best in our field, and you only become that by getting the patients’ honest opinion. That is why we offer to send an SMS to all patients who have called in. They can then use it to assess how they think the conversation with our secretary went and how well we were able to help with this particular patient’s problem.

It is also possible to carry out a larger or more thorough analysis of the patient’s experience with the NordicCall Secretarial Team, by the patient being subsequently called and asked a series of questions, which are then collected in a clear chart for you as a clinic.

Answering the phone and customer service for physiotherapists

Telephone answering and customer service for Osteopaths 

The latest IT helps us

At NordicCall, we use the latest technology, which provides enormous benefits for patients. Our system ensures, among other things, that the patients most often come to this same secretarial employee at NordicCall. If the secretary should be busy, then the patient will either come to someone else in the same team who has previously served this particular patient, or the patient can be put on hold until the patient’s permanent secretary is free.

It gives an enormous sense of calm and a pleasant feeling to especially the elderly and infirm patients, that they usually get through to the same secretary they are used to.

There are many more advantages to using NordicCall’s Telephone answering service for your company – Read about them here